
It’s no personal secret that I am a big fan of vim and terminal tools. However, my work as a statistician often required experimenting with different tools, reading help docs, and playing around with visualizations. The process of writing code in a text file and then running said code in a terminal was too slow and too tedious. So I stuck to my ways of the past, relying on large programs like RStudio, Spyder, and more recently Jupyter notebooks.

What I really wanted though was to be able to edit code in the terminal and then run said code immediately like one would do in a typical IDE. I had read about the vim-slime plugin for a while but it wasn’t until this past weekend that I finally got around to setting it up and adding it to my rc files. Boy, is it fun. But is it useful? Let’s play around with it and find out.

Tmux window with vim on the left, a Python and R REPL on the right, and some plot outputs!


Installing vim-slime itself is pretty easy. I use vim-plug and just added the plugin to my .vimrc

However, that’s just scratching the surface of what we need to do. vim-slime in essence just sends text from one terminal to another. Therefore, we need a multiplexer like GNU screen or tmux to get it operational. I have used tmux on and off before, so that’s what I decided to go with.

Setting up vim-slime and setting up .tmux.conf can be tricky if you haven’t done it before (it was for me). Thankfully, there is a lot of documentation for both tools.

By default, vim-slime sends code from one window to another using <C-c><C-c>. However, this doesn’t seem to work on WSL. So I changed the slime mappings to something that worked a little better for my workflow.

let g:slime_target = "tmux"
let g:slime_paste_file = "$HOME/.slime_paste"

let g:slime_cell_delimiter = "```"
nmap <leader>ss <Plug>SlimeLineSend
nmap <leader>sc <Plug>SlimeSendCell
nmap <leader>sr <Plug>SlimeParagraphSend                                                             xmap <leader>sr <Plug>SlimeRegionSend
nmap <leader>sf <Plug>SlimeConfig

Note that vim-slime includes a delimiter which I set to three backticks. The cool thing about having a delimiter is that I can emulate the code chunks from RMarkdown and RStudio. I also added several vim shortcuts to emulate some built in shortcuts in RStudio. Note that my <leader> key is mapped to the spacebar.

noremap __<leader> <Space><-<Space>
inoremap <C-S-n> %>%<Space>
inoremap ``<leader> <++>```<CR>```<++><C-c>kA<CR>
inoremap `<leader> ```

.tmux.conf takes a lot of work to setup and there were some additional issues that I ran into because of WSL. Notably, copy-pasting is pretty tough on tmux to begin with and getting it to work on WSL is even more of a headache. What worked for me was adding this line to my .tmux.conf

bind P paste-buffer
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi v send-keys -X begin-selection
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-selection
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi r send-keys -X rectangle-toggle
bind -T copy-mode-vi Enter send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xclip -i -f -selection primary | xclip -i -selection clipboard"

set -g mouse on

and then using mouse-select by holding <Shift> and using the usual right click copy from WSL.

A lot of lines from my .tmux.conf is stolen from various stack overflow posts, blogs, and videos. I have posted all dotfiles on my github, so feel free to steal it if you’d like.

The other big part of a data analysis IDE is begin able to see plots right away. Running this in WSL requires an X server like Xming so the plots appear in your desktop.

Advantages… Disadvantages…

I would say the main disadvantage is setup cost. At the end of the day, I am basically getting a very raw IDE. For a lot of people, especially those in fields like mine, this just isn’t necessary.

Same as above but the REPLs are moved to other tmux windows so they are out of sight

The advantages will appeal mostly to people who love vim. I can now use vim for everything, including my statistics work in R or Python. While RStudio supports a vim mode that has a lot of features (registers, marks, etc.), it’s also missing a lot of things that I like. Notably missing are the jump list and vim’s powerful autocomplete functions. RStudio’s vim mode also freaks out a lot and I find myself needing to restart it consistently.

Also, since all vim-slime is doing is sending text from one terminal to another, I can send text from vim on my local machine to a REPL running on a remote server. AND it can really be in any language, not just R and Python. For example, in future work I might need to use SAS on a big server. This would be where getting slimy is a huge advantage.

I’ll add that a cool side effect of using vim-slime is that I can type R and Python code in the same document and run them in their separate REPLs. This is not going to replace a package like reticulate since the REPLs can’t interact with one another and can’t use the same objects, but man is it fun!

So am I going to move full time to using Vim? Sort of yes. I’m don’t plan on uninstalling RStudio, but I think for a lot of analyses, it’s no longer necessary to run a big IDE. However, if I need to knit an RMarkdown PDF, I would probably best be served by going back to RStudio (at least for now!). I’ll need to play around more with this setup, but I think it is absolutely promising.